RadGen (Radar Generator) is a tool for Counter-Strike 2. This tool can render highly customisable overviews for maps using meshes, entities and/or materials, by assigning them to specific Selection Sets.
It can also be used in either a Material based workflow, or a Selection Set based workflow, supporting meshes or props in any setups
We offer two workflows for setting up your radar, which can both be used at the same time and interchangeably depending on your needs.
First workflow allows you to assign any existing level prop, mesh or entity to a specific RadGen selection set.
Second workflow allows you to assign one of the custom RadGen materials to any hammer mesh.
Both workflows can be used at the same time.
Assigning objects to RadGen selection sets and creating RadGen meshes
The renderer outputs a series of grayscale depth maps which the compositor consumes in order to generate the final radar image.
During the compositing stage we interpolate colors over the depth-maps based on non-linear user defined gradients, compute depth based ambient occlusion and calculate strokes and glow effects.
Optionally, we allow the user to export these depth maps for custom compositing.
RadGen's compositor combining the raw depth-maps into the final output
RadGen's user interface is purpose built to be user friendly and easy to use with a focus on responsiveness.
Initially the only goal of RadGen 2.0 was to take the existing code and add an intuitive user interface to replace the old command line interface.
As the project grew we ended up rewriting about 90% of the original code, but the initial goal remained.
A showcase of our UI
Even though we usually render from top down orthographic, our renderer is fully 3D! This allows us to support arbitrary meshes and scenes, in arbitrary setups and take advantage of optimisations such as depth buffering.
The user can toggle on this 3D rendering option, which can be useful for debugging color gradients or creating level screenshots or artwork.
CS2 Inferno rendered in an isometric perspective